Using a Writing course for a limited period to gain confidence and basics. Then self publish your material by producing limited copies of a publication in a slim format. Using your locality to promote in libraries,colleges,schools,university,local media including radio/Tv. Newspaper review. Local bookshops including booksellers. An ISBN for the book.

Wednesday 25 March 2009


It really is..the world over. I liked books but did not go to any university at
at that time. Once I knew I had talent (but was rejected from so many
publishers) I began taking writing courses until I had the confidence to go it
alone. These courses were crucial. They also offered me outlets to see my work
in print. This was long before I had the idea of 'Writing for Profit'.

I started writing Social history, that was my category. Once I gathered enough
material based on local and general history combining the two I then directed
my theme surrounding one major city I had lived in. I started off with a book-
let as this could be printed off fairly cheaply at your local printer. Stapling
was cheaper than binding - a decent illustrated cover and a reasonable price
soon had the local media interested in reviewing the copy. The local radio.
The local bookshop. The bigger stores and so on. I also listed my slim volume
with a ISBN to get a wider appeal. Universities, colleges, schools and special-
ised establishments. So a limited edition of 500 copies did not cost me much.
I sold them all and printed more. I then went on to write about another town
or was that easy.

A brief Course. Printer. Bookstore and Sellers (viewing their local history.)
And your google search bar.
