Using a Writing course for a limited period to gain confidence and basics. Then self publish your material by producing limited copies of a publication in a slim format. Using your locality to promote in libraries,colleges,schools,university,local media including radio/Tv. Newspaper review. Local bookshops including booksellers. An ISBN for the book.

Sunday 29 March 2009

A ROYAL GHOST...where I live..

I live in Norfolk, England. Home of Blickling Hall, built by Henry the eighth
for Anne Boleyn. Henry had built this beautiful building for Anne who was
doomed later to become a restless spirit often seen in various places and in
several homes, especially at 'Blickling' where she is reputed to still haunt
the grounds and occasionally make a spectacular appearance each year on
the aniversary of her death.
Some have said she comes in a coach drawn by black headless horses which
stops outside the Blickling gate. She stands for a while with her head in her
hands before she vanishes. I often visit north of Norwich to see many
historic buildings happy to walk the grounds and look around these Tudor
halls. It is said that in a local church that a congregation had witnessed a
procession walking down the aisle all dressed in Elizabethan costume, at the
head was a face above a dressed and bejewelled woman could be seen and one
had said he had seen that face in a royal portrait - that of Anne.
The procession slowly had vanished before their eyes. I had heard later that
a soldier on duty at night in the Tower of London came upon a apparition
and jabbed his long bayonet into the entity. A kind of electric shock had
followed making him drop his weapon. He said later, it had been a woman
he had jabbed with no head inside the bonnet.
Sandringham, the present part-time home, of England's Queen, just a mile
away from where I live; has many hauntings. In fact Norfolk is a vast haunt-
ing ground since Tudor times. I have an interest in many of the old airfields
around my doorstep long vacated by the Americans after the last war.
Sightings of dead airmen have been seen on the old bases, despite only
having remnants of old runway and perimeter track slowly almost unseen
under the vast waste of weed and wild grass. On some evenings in late winter
if you stand on the empty base you can feel this atmospheric presence and
almost hear the engines starting up again on those Flying Fortresses......

more to follow.


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